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Clare S

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British, South African


Clare Staniforth is a full time voice actor with a Bachelors Degree in Live Performance and a professional home studio. British born, raised in South Africa, she has a Neutral English accent which is easy to listen to, and works well for international listeners. As a former Speech and Drama teacher, she loves narrating audiobooks with multiple characters and a range of accents. She has extensive experience in narrating both Fiction and Non-Fiction, from Romance & Mystery, to Biographies & Childrens Stories, as well as business related topics.



Fiction Romance
00:00 / 16:25:41
Fiction Romance
00:00 / 49:46:40
Non Fiction Nelson Mandela
00:00 / 26:56:06
Childrens Story
00:00 / 20:36:27

*Awards & Accomplishments*

*2021 Grand Winner - Audiobook Adrenaline Awards


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