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Joan D

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American, Canadian, British


Joan DuKore has been a performer for most of her life, both on stage and screen. She started as a dancer and later moved to acting and magic.

Her love of reading allows her to bring these talents together, and now she gets to bring stories to life in new ways! She loves recording in her booth, bringing to life worlds that authors create.



Military thriller dialogue with Russian woman
00:00 / 9:43:50
Romance First Person Narration
00:00 / 10:52:37
Horror 1st person dialogue between man and woman
00:00 / 22:10:56
Thriller narration 3rd person
00:00 / 18:12:47
Conversation between southern man and general US woman
00:00 / 6:57:31

*Awards & Accomplishments*

*2021 Grand Winner - Audiobook Adrenaline Awards


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