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Naomi Madelin

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I'm Naomi, an energetic 51-years-young voice artist and audiobook narrator with acting in my background. I've been working in voiceover since 2018 and started with audiobooks in late 2021. I have really found my place with audiobooks and love narrating. I've completed three narration / production projects, two were fiction (thrillers) and one business non-fiction, and four narration only books - three being historical non-fiction and one women's fiction.

I've lived in four countries and over the years had a host of different jobs which I feel bring a lot of life experience to my voice work.

I'm an ultra runner, keen skier, wild swimmer and knife thrower.

I also record for corporate video, e-learning and some character work.

Sennheiser MK4 microphone / Rode NT1
Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface
Adobe Audition
MacBook Pro
Fully treated dedicated recording booth



*Awards & Accomplishments*

*2021 Grand Winner - Audiobook Adrenaline Awards


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