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Nate Barham

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I'm Nate Barham. I've been a voice actor for a number of years now, in addition to teaching English, Speech, and Drama at the high school level for over 15 years. However, for as long as I can remember, I've been a performer and storyteller. I have a background in musical theatre, and have been cast in numerous paid roles for audio drama podcasts, indie video games and animations, and audiobooks both for independent authors as well as the EarReality choice-based storytelling platform.

I've listed my full PFH rate as an independent audiobook producer, which includes enough margin to pay for editing, mastering, and file organization before I deliver to my authors.

My recording setup: Mic - Lewitt LCT 540 Subzero || Interface - Audient iD4 (MkII) || DAW - Adobe Audition || Recording Space - Sound Isolated and Treated Booth in Carpeted Basement Office

The samples I've included:
- Demonic Deals by MW McLeod, available on Audible (raw, with cuts to emphasize various character voices)
- Magia! by Emily Cooper, available on Chirp Books (raw, with cuts to emphasize various character voices)
- The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss (a sample from my favorite book, edited and mastered for ACX by my usual editor)
- Soldiers of the Silent War by Eli Taff Jr., available on Audible (as edited and mastered by my usual editor)

Thanks for considering my submission.

~Nate Barham



*Awards & Accomplishments*

*2021 Grand Winner - Audiobook Adrenaline Awards


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