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Stacy D

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American, British


Stacy is a lifelong lover of stories and unrepentant bibliophile. She has worked with many of the top coaches in North America and is a graduate of Joel Leslie Froomkin's Acting for Audiobook Narrators course. Her voice is a smooth, rich alto that she can tailor to match a variety of tones. Stacy loves to bring her conversational style to all forms of fiction, but her favorites are science fiction, sci-fi romance, fantasy (especially urban or paranormal), post-apocalyptic stories, and young adult novels. (She has a special place in her heart for characters who are a bit scattered or have a chip on their shoulder...or both!) Stacy brings a willingness to collaborate meaningfully, a strong work ethic, and a great sense of humor to every project.



00:00 / 55:45:42
Young Adult - 3rd person - M/F
00:00 / 53:07:15
Post-apocalyptic Sci Fi - 1st person
00:00 / 47:50:59
Sci Fi Alien Invasion Romance - 1st person
00:00 / 42:47:59
Dark Romance - 1st person
00:00 / 40:22:47
Young Adult - Fantasy
00:00 / 53:07:15

*Awards & Accomplishments*

*2021 Grand Winner - Audiobook Adrenaline Awards


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