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Teg Gray



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Teg Gray has been doing voice over work for over 15 years. He spent 38 years as a television maintenance engineer, doing video and audio production work as well as technical support. He also spent a lot of time as a young man acting in local theater, as well as being a musician, and playing saxophone in a blues band.
All of these skills have been able to come in to play in his second act career, as a voiceover talent. With his versatile voice he can bring life to your words.


1980 Election Documentary
00:00 / 128:57:02
Get in the Boat, a Memoir of Love Loss and the Dance with Dementia
00:00 / 49:33:12
Linux Mastery / Technical Explainer
00:00 / 49:30:33
Fitness of the Future. Explainer
00:00 / 58:59:36
Chronon, A Particle of Time /Science Fiction
00:00 / 53:40:01

*Awards & Accomplishments*

*2021 Grand Winner - Audiobook Adrenaline Awards


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