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Production Newsletter

Many times authors and publishers prefer an audition casting instead of spending time going through our list of narrators to find a voice they may like. This saves them time.

We post those auditions here.

American Female Narrator P.2304

Updated: Mar 18, 2022

CLOSED - Auditions Under Review By The Author

Genre: FIction/Medical

Word Count: 69025

Narrator: Female

Accent: Standard American

Tone: Neutral, a 35-ish year old mother.

Performance: Dramatic, literate, intelligent, relating her worries that her husband is in Iraq 2007 and now the school wants to fail her 3rd grader; he’s not keeping up. Mom must deal with this problem alone, without her husband. The boy’s problem: His non-convulsive blank-out epileptic seizures aren’t recognized.


This story told from the mother’s point of view begins in March 2007 in S. California with fevered-8-year-old’s convulsion in bed. Parents take him to local ER. The MD there does a CT brain scan and spinal tap to rule out meningitis with his fever. All normal. Parents distraught. ER doc mentions possible epilepsy (epilepsy means more than one seizure. This is his “first” seizure.). Mom freaks out at that word. Scenes move back to Oct., 2006 when school tells mom they wish to move the boy back a grade; his non-convulsive unrecognized blank outs are not recognized. He’s not keeping up. Back to January 2007 when dad returns from war. Conner’s epileptic “dings”, as he calls them, are not recognized and they are too complex for the child to describe. Post-traumatic symptoms in dad with drinking, shorter temper affects the family. They finally get to see a neurologist who identifies epilepsy, not just a single convulsion. The family dynamics are described. These spells were missed by mom and she is angry with herself after the diagnosis is made. “How did I not see?”

P. Production

Please record your great performance and send over raw punch n roll WAV files.

No EQ, No Compression, No Limiting or anything shall be applied.

Auditions will be produced and forwarded to the publisher.


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