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Production Newsletter

Many times authors and publishers prefer an audition casting instead of spending time going through our list of narrators to find a voice they may like. This saves them time.

We post those auditions here.

American or British Male Narrator PO.22468

Updated: Dec 18, 2023


Client: Publisher - ID PO.22468

Genre: Fiction / Fantasy

Word Count: 83,000

Narrator: Male

Accents: American or British

Tone: Soft

Performance: Subdued somewhat embittered but with a pure heart


Ernie the information retriever sits in his office cubicle on the 50th floor of the FHQ building by day and goes home to his wife and children in his apartment on the 25th floor at night. Sometimes he sits alone in the dark movie theater on the 100th floor. In his heart, he wants something different, but he does not know what that difference would be. He just knows what he is presently experiencing is not it, and that knowledge fills him with shame and guilt. It is a no-win situation. Or is it? One day he is called to make a change, leave the FHQ building and retrieve the most important piece of information of all.


Please record your great performance, send in raw "punch n roll" wav files. Recordings should be edited for mistakes and repeats but nothing more.

IMPORTANT: No EQ, No Compression, No Saturation, No Limiting or Normalizing. All that along with detailed edits for breath control, lip/mouth sounds, mixing, mastering will be done in our studio.

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