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Production Newsletter

Many times authors and publishers prefer an audition casting instead of spending time going through our list of narrators to find a voice they may like. This saves them time.

We post those auditions here.

Female American Narrator P.2451

Updated: Aug 18, 2023


Client: Publisher- ID P.2451

Genre: Non-Fiction

Word Count: 47,000

Narrator: Female

Accents: Standard American

Tone: Authoritative

Performance: Serious, sincere, authentic


Human connection is a basic human need. In her second memoir, Connections: The Power of Connecting with Strangers, author Irene Sardanis captures the importance of connection and illustrates how it can be met in the most unlikely places: with strangers. The youngest child of a severely depressed mother who was unable to take care of herself and an alcoholic, womanizing father who spent the family income on everything but his family’s needs, Irene was deprived of the love, care, and protection every child needs and deserves. This created a hole, a hunger deep within her that she sought to fill through unhealthy relationships. However, after several years of therapy, Irene was finally able to accept the responsibility for filling that hole and hunger herself. This led to her discovery that connections can be forged everywhere she goes and in unpredictable ways. Doing so has led to rich, vibrant connections she never anticipated, which she shares in these pages. Irene also offers readers tips on how to strike up conversations and make connections in everyday as well as out-of-the-way places. Adult travelers of all genders, introverts and extroverts alike, who are curious about the people they meet and are willing to be open and adventurous will resonate with and benefit from Irene’s inspiring journey and hard-won wisdom.

NOTES FROM THE PUBLISHER: The author is Greek American and there are many Greek words and phrases in the book. A narrator familiar with Greek pronunciations would be great.

NOTE FROM E-AUDIO PRODUCTIONS: We will provide assistance in Greek pronuciation if needed.


Please record your great performance, send in raw "punch n roll" wav files. Recordings should be edited for mistakes and repeats but nothing more.

IMPORTANT: No EQ, No Compression, No Saturation, No Limiting or Normalizing. All that along with detailed edits for breath control, lip/mouth sounds, mixing, mastering will be done in our studio.


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