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Production Newsletter

Many times authors and publishers prefer an audition casting instead of spending time going through our list of narrators to find a voice they may like. This saves them time.

We post those auditions here.

Male & Female Narrators P.2470

Updated: Nov 20, 2023

NARRATORS SELECTED Perry Meehan & Kate Wisniewski

Client: Publisher - ID P.2470

Genre: FIction - Love story, crime, fiction, religious

Dual POV with mixed dialogue.

Word Count: Total 106.984

Narrator: 3 narrators. One male, two female

Accents: Standard American

Tone and Styles extra:

Amos Moon: Amos Moon is a male: age 42. Texas cowboy from Miami, Thoroughbred exercise rider, barn manager, high school rodeos, no college, racetrack savvy. Soft spoken around horses and dogs. Energetic, enthusiastic talking about horses. Knowledgeable.

Rixie Ricksland is a female : age 45; From Virginia but not with a southern accent. Private investigator. Professional woman. Previous jobs as IRS criminal investigation agent, bank examiner. Matter of fact. Direct, authoritative, forceful when necessary, vulnerable.

Charlane: Charlane is a female: age 35 Hard core backstretch racetrack exercise rider. Hardened, authoritative, stern, tough talking, uses a lot of slang. Short abrupt fragmented sentences. Leaves verbs out. Rambles sometimes


An exercise rider and assistant trainer at HorseShoeDowns, dreams of owning BigOilRig, a thoroughbred racehorse, that is symbolic of the lost life he never had with his father. Amos, the son of a degenerate gambler, doesn’t put much stock in dreams, until he bets $360 and hits a Superfecta that pays out $110K. It’s the most money Amos has ever won on a race, and gives him hope that his dreams might come true. That is, until, a tireless, work-a-holic private investigator, informs Amos that he’s under investigation for race fixing and if convicted, could spend time in prison. She’s the track agent/representative for the National Equine Safety Protection Authority (NESPA).


Please record your great performance, send in raw "punch n roll" wav files. Recordings should be edited for mistakes and repeats but nothing more.

IMPORTANT: No EQ, No Compression, No Saturation, No Limiting or Normalizing. All that along with detailed edits for breath control, lip/mouth sounds, mixing, mastering will be done in our studio.


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