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Production Newsletter

Many times authors and publishers prefer an audition casting instead of spending time going through our list of narrators to find a voice they may like. This saves them time.

We post those auditions here.

Male Narrator American P.2305

Updated: Apr 14, 2022

CLOSED Auditions under review by publisher/author

Genre: Non Fiction / Biblical

Word Count: 92,000

Narrator: Male

Accent: Standard American


The book of Enoch was the first book ever written in any language. The language was described as the heavenly language; which today we know it as Hebrew. Hebrew was also the language of the first humans and all living things before the fall of man at the Garden of Eden. But because of the distribution of languages during the Tower of Babel; Hebrew was forgotten until the lifetime of Abraham. Abraham was taught the language by angels of God and he revive the Heavenly language upon the Earth. So, now days there will be other languages that will test more ancient then Hebrew through discoveries of things that have a written language upon it; that can be carbon tested for age; unless we can find the original books of Enoch; but until now only translations of the book have been found in other languages. In the Dead Sea scrolls the book of Enoch was found within the books revered as the books of the old testaments that were dated from 404 to 203 BCE. What they found was only a copy of the book and not the original. According to what language the manuscript is found; the rewriters gave the God of their religion the credit of being God creator; but the world knows that only the God of Israel had angels with the name of Michael, Gabriel and Ariel. All others have been copycats and have tried to include the names of what they call their own angels and gods and beliefs into the book of Enoch.

P. Production

Please record your great performance and send over raw WAV files.

No EQ, No Compression, No Limiting or anything shall be applied.

(we recommend the punch n roll technique so you can save time from editing repeats and misreads) Auditions will be produced and forwarded to the author.

Click below to download Audition PDF

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