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Production Newsletter

Many times authors and publishers prefer an audition casting instead of spending time going through our list of narrators to find a voice they may like. This saves them time.

We post those auditions here.

American Female Narrator POL-02999

Updated: Aug 14

Narrator Selected- Jody L.

Client: Publisher ID POL-02999

RATE: $150PFH Paid upon completion

Information sent by the publisher

Genre: Non-Fiction - Memoir, Spirituality, Self-Help

Word Count: 16,000

Narrator: Female

Accents: Standard American

Voice tone: Alto or Contralto, soft and soothing


For teens, young adults, and senior citizens, it’s time to recognize how childhood trauma has affected you — and how you can reclaim the best part of your life from the shadows it casts.

Childhood trauma takes many forms. Emotional, sexual, or physical abuse are only three types of the many anguishing faces trauma can take.

But you’re not alone. Nor are you resigned to your inner turmoil.

The message of this book isn’t to share and commiserate on traumatic events — but to show how fear and trauma associated with these events promote unhealthy emotional responses which become a person’s mindset well into adulthood. When we create new neurons and networks, we’re able to escape this cycle of pain, misery, and suffering.


Please record your great performance, send in raw "punch n roll" wav files. Recordings should be edited for mistakes and repeats but nothing more.

IMPORTANT: No EQ, No Compression, No Saturation, No Limiting or Normalizing. All that along with detailed edits for breath control, lip/mouth sounds, mixing, mastering will be done in our studio.


If it does not load correctly on your browser, please refresh the page or click the link below to open the audition form in a separate tab or send your audition to

NOTE: Normally the audiobook audition form would show below. However due to some technical issues we have temporarily replaced the audition form to open in a new window.

Click the button below to open the audition form. It will open in a new window. If you have any problems submitting your audition please email it to

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